miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Living the Dream

Monday and Tuesday began school. The days usually go as follows:

-Wake up around 10:30
-Eat breakfast
-Walk to class, which goes from noon to 1:45
-Return home for lunch
-Meet at the beach with the rest of the group and lay out for awhile in the best weather ever (There has not been one bad second of weather yet. *Knock on wood*). OR if I don't go to the beach, I'll take a siesta.
-Meet up with friends in town

I have really lucked out. But at the same time, I'm learning so much at the same time. My family here doesn't speak much English and I've progressed enough to have constant dialogue with them now. I think we've both realized what types of phrases and words I know and can udnerstand, and at the same time I'm asking a lot of questions that they understand also. Very fulfilling.

Class is just myself and two other students with a professor. Our class is on the culture of Spain. It's pretty basic thus far but of course I'm learning alot.

These last few days have been much more relaxing than the first few. I think time is going to start to go by much faster now with more repetition.

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